Believe it or not, there are those that believe women have achieved true equality in the workforce. NOT TRUE. The numbers are improving painfully slowly. For insight into what women, their mentors and allies can do to accelerate the change.
The Perception Gap: Women notice more barrier to leadership than men do.
We all need barrier to come down. Firms with women in the highest leadership positions perform 46-84% better on hard metrics.
Soft metrics win with gender diversity, too. Women in the workforce improves customer and employee experience by 36-57%.
BUT! Women drop out of the leadership pipeline at 200% the rate of men.
Why do fewer women make it to leadership? FACTOR #1: women are mentored into profit-and-loss leadership roles 2-3 times less often.
Factor #2: Women burn out more often, bearing greater demands for unpaid and undervalued work at home and at work.
FACTOR #3: Women earn less and women of color earn even less than their white peers.
And there’s more… Take Action. Personally. Organizationally. Culturally.
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